Merry Christmas Eve!
Merry Christmas Eve! I wish you health and happiness!
I know we're very fortunate to be able to stay home for this holiday season when there're tons of people out there who're working in the frontline to save lives. They won't have Christmas break this year.
We don't have our family near us (my family is in Japan, my husband's family is in IL), so if we get COVID-19 and get really sick, our kids won't have anybody to look after them. Thankfully, they're old enough to feed themselves if we have some bread on the counter or something, but still, we are not taking any chances. We canceled our annual Christmas party with our friends, no holiday trip to see a cousin-puppy (uncle Jim got a puppy, and we're supposed to go see her this year), no going out for holiday shopping with the kids, and we are totally ok with that! Just thinking about those who are working without any breaks, and risking their own lives to save somebody else's lives, makes me feel so grateful that we can stay home with my family.
I hope those frontline workers will get some relief and relaxation soon.
I hope we all can have a better Christmas next year; we all do, right?
Stay home and stay safe. Happy holidays everyone!
This photo was taken last year. It's so cute that somebody decorated a tree out in a park every year. (Yes, it was decorated like this)
And if you’re staying home and have a little time for yourself, I‘m giving away a free 3 days mini-course to teach you how to take better iPhone photos!
3 easy tips to take good iPhone photos!
You might have seen a pop-up to sign up for the course on my home page. Sign up! You'll get quick, easy to use tips every day for only three days to better your photos. I broke them down into three days so that you won't get a lot of information at once. I mean, who has that kind of time to read a long email, right?! They're all bite-sized, 1 step-a-day course. And yes, I call it a "course" so you can feel like you accomplished something during the holiday! lol After getting these emails, I personally want to give you permission to say, "I completed a photo course!" proudly, even you didn't leave your couch.
These tips are what I do when I take photos with my iPhone. (of course, you can use these tips with other smartphones!) I hope they'll be helpful for you too! So go ahead and treat yourself! And let me know if you have any questions! I'm always here to help :) I hope you’ll enjoy it!
If I give you 3 easy tips to make your iPhone better right now, would you do it?!
Almost all the photos on my Instagram Story are with my iPhone. I have my iPhone 8 plus, but the photo quality of new smartphones is ridiculously good. So good. You don't have to own a nice camera for taking daily snapshots anymore. But just clicking on the button won't give you outstanding images. Same as true, if you own an expensive big camera doesn't mean it guarantees you good photos. There're a few tips you can use right now to make them better tho!
During this holiday season, I'm sure a lot of us are staying home and staying safe. So I wanted to give you something you can do while staying at home! 3-day mini-course to take good iPhone photos!
Taken with iPhone Portrait mode
Taken and edited with iPhone 8
At Tokyo TeamLab taken with iPhone
At Haneda Airport in Japan taken with iPhone